At a time, when more organizations are adopting a zero trust approach to security, these same organizations are looking to address the manner in which employees access their computer systems and associated web- and cloud-based applications. The zero trust approach, also, affects the way in which organizations conduct business with each other as more of their business is conducted online. One solution to safeguarding an organization’s investment in its assets and properties is Single Sign-on (SSO).

Single Sign-on (SSO) is a centralized session and user authentication service in which one set of login credentials (security token) can be used to access multiple applications. SSO authenticates employees on the organization’s designated platform, then enabling them to use any number of services and applications without being required to login and logout each time.

While many factors have contributed to the increasing popularity of SSO, the need to guarantee system security to the degree possible with today’s technology is paramount. Rather than relying on programs wedded to a hard drive, organizations now utilize the latest in web- and cloud-native applications, such as are provided by Salesforce®. While such technology allows a previously unheard of access to markets, customers, employees, and suppliers, they, also, provide avenues of attack from internal and and external threats.


SSO Benefits

The implementation of a well planned and executed SSO, then, provides a number of significant benefits to an organization, such as:

  • Improving compliance and security capabilities.
  • Reducing risks of lost, forgotten, and weak passwords.
  • Providing a scalability appropriate to every organization.
  • Easing user frustration by reducing human error.


SSO Challenges

While the necessity of adopting SSO in today’s zero trust environment is apparent, there are challenges to implementation, such as:

  • Budgeting or raising the funds necessary to onboard SSO.
  • Deciding upon a standard authorization protocol.
  • Mitigating the inherent vulnerabilities of the selected SSO.
  • Ensuring compatibility across internal and external stakeholders.


Next Steps

Government Utilities Technology Services, Inc. (GUTS) puts its experience and expertise at your service mitigating the challenges your organization may face implementing SSO. As your partner in IT security, GUTS will help you find the best SSO for your organization, including identifying and mitigating any inherent vulnerabilities and working with you on employee rollout. Call GUTS today for industry-defining solutions provided in complete transparency.